Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Uppsala Chansonnier 76a


Standardized title Uppsala Chansonnier 76a
Title on source Liber Carminum Gallicorum cum notis musicis
RISM ID No. 1000000294

Library information

Library siglum S-U Vokalmusik i Handskrift 76a

Material description

Type Manuscript copy
Publishing, Printing and Production Information Lyon?, c.1500–1520
Format, extent chansonnier, 82ff (originally 94ff), 73 songs and 6 poems
Other physical details paper
Dimensions 205 x 142
Watermark description Hand in a scalloped cuff, lifted in a blessing; Inside the cuff is the letter “B” and on the palm of the hand a hammer; cf. Briquet no. 11543

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Initial entry 1000001848 Guillaume Du Fay: Les douleurs, dont me sens tel somme - 4vv, 2 in 1 (C1 and C2) with concordans 1 and 2