Bien veignés vous, amoureuse - 3vv, 2 in 1 (C and T), Ct
Name | Guillaume Du Fay (1397-1474) |
Standardized title | Bien veignés vous, amoureuse |
Scoring summary | 3vv, 2 in 1 (C and T), Ct |
Title on source | NA |
RISM ID No. | 1000000601 |
Canonic Technique(s)
Type | proportional canon: 2 to 1 |
Imitation interval | 5th Below |
Temporal offset | 0 NA in o |
Library information
Library siglum | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Misc. 213 |
Work number | 1.59.1 |
Rubric | Hunc dischas morem sivis cantare tenorem / Ut iacet attente, cantetur sub diapenthe |
Voice/instrument | [Discantus] |
Text incipit | Bien veignés vous, amoureuse |
PAE Code | |
Material description
Type | Manuscript copy |
Format, extent | parts, f.34v |
Index terms
Subject heading | Rondeau |
Language of text | French |
Related Titles
Parent record | 1000000051 Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canon. Misc. 213 |