=001 1000002212 =031 ##$a22$b1$c1$eCanon in Dyatessaron$gC-2$m[A]$oc/$p1-C9(F)1D1.G2FED1CFFD1.G4FE1F1.A2G1.G4FE1F0G1-$qf.22v =031 ##$a22$b1$c2$eCanon in Diatessaron$gF-4$m[B]$oc/$p1,C9(F)1D1.G2FED1CFFD9G1E{AF}9{GA}1GG9-$qf.23 =040 ##$aAuArU$beng =041 0#$afre =100 1#$aNinot le Petit$dfl.ca.1500-1520$jAscertained$0184 =240 10$aPourtant si mon amy n'a point de monnaye$m4vv$0601 =245 10$aPourtant se mon amy =260 ##$cc.1528$801 =500 ##$aThe second canon in Attaingnant c.1528 not found in Antico 1520. The lower voice canon begins after one semibreve, the upper voice canon after 2 semibreves. This canon is ascribed to Nino le petit in Uppsala 76a. =590 ##$aVocal parts - [A], [B]$bf.22v-23$801 =593 ##$aPrint$801 =594 ##$bVocal parts - 4 in 2, unlabelled voices$c4 =650 07$aChanson$01 =650 07$aRefrain$05 =695 ##$adouble canon$b2$c4$dex$e4th$fabove$g1 and 2$hsemibreve(s)$o¢$01930 =773 18$w1000002190 =930 1#$aNino le Petit: Pourtant si mon amy n'a point de monnaye ; 4vv$036